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Experts call for specific goals
Educational licenses for the structural geology modelling software: MOVE
This edition is about Geothermal energy and contains contributions from Niels Balling and Marton Major
Stergios Misios, Christoffer Karoff, and Mads Faurschou Knudsen from the Department of Geoscience and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change…
Geoscience at AU is part of the project to store surplus energy from windmills
Many archeological studies based on strontium isotope signatures may have erroneous conclusions. Agricultural lime can dramatically alter the isotopic…
Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz is honored for her great contribution to the Palaeoclimate research
Postdoc Stergios Misios has received 1.9 mio. kr. from the Villum Foundation to study what would happen if the Earth is struck by a monstrous solar…
Nicolaj Krog Larsen from Geoscience in TV2 Vejret
Scientists from Geoscience are co-authors on an article on the Antarctic project in The Wall Street Journal
Arctic researchers including Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz from Geoscience have an article in Politiken and Altinget
Esben Auken and Pradip Maurya from the Department of Geoscience are co-authors on an article published in Nature Scientific Report
Come and watch the live transmission, when the satellite Delphini-1 is deployed from the International Space Station (ISS)
Christoffer Karoff from Geosicence will be leading work at the new center, ESA Business Incubation Center Denmark
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