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Sediments underlying the world’s oceans and shelf seas cover >70% of the Earth’s surface area. These sediments are the biggest reservoir of organic…
Professors Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz and Hamed Sanei and Assistant Professor Christof Pierce participate in a new research project, ECOTIP, which…
Professor Hamed Sanei colaborates in paper about core and cuttings samples
Charlotte Rasmussen, laboratory manager at Department of Geoscience, has had an e-book published
Professor Emerita at the Department of Geoscience, Else Marie Friis, has been elected as Foreign Member of the Royal Society.
Professor Charles E. Lesher and Assistant Professor Gry Barfoed from Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University have, in collaboration with others,…
Platinum-group elements link the end-Triassic mass extinction and the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Christoffer Karoff, Associate Professor at the Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, talks about the new telescope in Hawaii: Daniel K. Inouye…
Gry Barfod, assistant professor at the Department of Geoscience at Aarhus University, explains in an article in the newspaper Berlingske Tidende why…
New research complicates our picture of how the melting of ice in Greenland takes place
There is no climate crisis, according to an open letter to the UN signed by over 700 people, allegedly scientists and professionals. But the letter is…
Geoscience is not just about understanding the Earth. It is also a question of understanding the geology of the thousands of exoplanets we have…
Southwest Greenland shelf glaciation during MIS 4 more extensive than during the Last Glacial Maximum
Mutated ferns shed light on the mass extinction during the Triassic period
Laboratory technicians Birte Lindahl Eriksen and Rikke Brok Jensen wrote an article about their visit at the University of Vermont, the Department of…
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