Aarhus University Seal


Drilling core from Greenland gives an insight into the climate 10,000 years ago - and possibly for the future

- Department of Geoscience

Nicolaj Krog Larsen from Geoscience in TV2 Vejret

Large Scale Mapping of Fractures and groundwater Pathways in crystalline Hardrock By AEM

- Research

Esben Auken and Pradip Maurya from the Department of Geoscience are co-authors on an article published in Nature Scientific Report


AU's first satellite is deployed into space

- Department of Geoscience

Come and watch the live transmission, when the satellite Delphini-1 is deployed from the International Space Station (ISS)

AU will be launching its own satellite to the International Space Staion

- Department of Physics

Meteorite crater discovered in Greenland

- Department of Geoscience

A 31 km. wide meteorite crater has been discovered beneath the ice-sheet in northern Greenland.