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In connection with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, our PhD Student Joanna Davies was featured in an article about oceanographic…
Egon Nørmark from the department has made an overview of the earthquakes in Turkey
For the first time, PFAS have been found in the groundwater in Aarhus. Associate professor Søren Munch Kristiansen has examined the concentration…
Grundfos has invested in GeoInstruments, a spin-out of HGG here from the Department of Geoscience.
In an area plagued by periods of drought, it is difficult to understand how the great ancient city of Great Zimbabwe thrived for centuries, but the…
Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Rachel Lupien, and Christof Pearce have received a grant of 905,490 DKK for new instrument.
P–PINI: A cosmogenic nuclide burial dating method for landscapes undergoing non-steady erosion
Assistant Engineer Kenneth Bredo Madsen is retiring after almost 30 years at Geoscience.
Vivi Kathrine Pedersen has received a Sapere Aude research leader grant for the project ”Shaping Earth's surface - the missing link in sea-level…
The Vikings upcycled glass into Viking pearls at Ribe
New methods can hopefully provide faster results.
On Friday July 1 2022, this year’s graduates were celebrated at the Department of Geoscience
Joanna M. Davies and Adrián López Quirós have received research grants from iCLIMATE
Rasmus Andreasen is co-author in a new article in Nature Astronomy: "The dissipation of the solar nebula constrained by impacts and core cooling in…
”Climate research in Northeast Greenland (KLANG)”
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