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Study of chemical flux from subducted sediments into the overlying mantle wedge using exposed ultra-high-pressure terrains.
Editors: Charlier, B., Namur, O., Latypov, R., Tegner, C. (Eds.)
Bjørn Peder Maarupgaard
AGU Session
The ESP group presented Earth's Greatest Hits at Aarhus University's Festival of Research. ESP member Gry…
Part I Origin and Transport of Magma
Chapter 5 - Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Silicate Melts and Magma, Pages 113-141, Charles E.…
Professor Christian Tegner fra Aarhus Universitet har modtaget Danmarks Geologipris 2013 for sine enestående studier af magmabjergarter i Skærgaard…
Read more in the article on Rømer (in Danish)
08:30 - Structure, composition and dynamics of the lithosphere - asthenosphere systemKEYNOTES (20 mins)Petrology of Mantle Melting (Eric Brown, AU)Sei…
Professor Charles E. Lesher (University of California, USA) has just been appointed Niels Bohr Professor at the Department of Geoscience for a period…
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