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The sensitivity of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) to prolonged warm periods is largely unknown and geological records documenting such…
A delegation from the China Geological Survey visited Aarhus University on 10 April to sign a cooperation agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) to…
Christoffer Karoff, associate professor at Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University has been appointed the first Danish member of the Copernicus…
Distant star gives unique knowledge of the Sun. The new insight is an important step towards understanding how the Sun might lead to climate changes.
Geological Student Symposium 2018 takes place at Aarhus University and is an event which focuses on building social network among geology students.…
Associate Professor Ole Rønø Clausen, Associate Professor Stéphane Bodin, and Assistant Professor Katrine Juul Andresen from the Department of…
Aarhus geologists among co-authors to article published in Nature Climate Change
Coupled European and Greenland last glacial dust activity driven by North Atlantic climate
Counter-intuitive influence of Himalayan river morphodynamics on Indus Civilisation urban settlements
At the General Assembly of the Association of Polish Geomorphologists, Jan Piotrowski has been awarded an Honorary Membership of the Association.
Professor Hamed Sanei has just started his position as Mærsk Oil Chair at the Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University.
Researchers from Aarhus University, including Department of Geoscience, have together with two companies in North Jutland – 2operate and GomSpace…
"Climate of the Past" is an EGU journal published by Copernicus Publications
Researchers from Department of Geoscience together with Depatment og Physics and Astronomy have published an article in the journal Geophysical…
David L. Egholm, together with a group of researchers from Geoscience, has published an article in Nature Geoscience
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