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Walter Friedrich et al, Geoscience, AU, publish a new article about Santorini in International Journal of Geoscience.
SEDITRAPS is a project under Geocenter Danmark exploring environmental history using marine sediments collected in fjords and coastal systems in…
Project: Enigmatic glacial landsystems: Deciphering ice-marginal processes of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (EGSys)
Project: Sea-ice variability around Greenland (G-ICE)
Researchers from departments of Geoscience, Bioscience, Chemistry and Engineering have received DKK 496.000 from Science and Technology for a joint…
The Belgian ”Fondation Francqui – Stichting” has awarded professor Andrew Murray, leader of Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating, Department of…
Groundwater salinity influenced by Holocene seawater trapped in incised valleys in the Red River delta plain
Researchers from Department of Geoscience and Department of Engineering together with the Danish company GOMspace in Aalborg, will use the next two…
The first Aarhus satellite AUSAT-1 will provide students and scientists with an opportunity for a new approach to research via satellites. The project…
Palaeobotanical redux: revisiting the age of the angiosperms
Following a series of test cruises during the fall 2016, people from SeisLab Aarhus (including Per Trinhammer, Katrine Juul Andresen, Egon Nørmark and…
Astrid Strunk, Geoscience, got her first scientific paper published in Nature Comunications.
Innovation Fund Denmark has granted DKK 17 million to a new project with the participation of researchers at the Department of Geoscience, which will…
Kaj Raunsgaard Petersen et al. have published their discovery in a peer review scientific paper.
Karen Luise Knudsen, Geoscience, is co-author to article published in Nature Communication
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