Wager and Brown Layered Igneous Rocks Workshop
2018 South Africa Part of 13th International Platinum Symposium

The workshop will be convened by Rais Latypov, Steve Barnes and Christian Tegner and other co?convenors to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the publication of Wager and Brown’s seminal book. It will provide a comprehensive review of most recent developments in our understanding of a wide range of cumulus and post?cumulus processes operating in mafic? ultramafic layered intrusions. Two great debates on currently most topical issues in petrology of layered intrusions are planned during evenings. The workshop will immediately precede the 13th International Platinum Symposium and will take place at the Ranch Hotel near Polokwane, South Africa). Attendees will be met at OR Tambo airport in Johannesburg and be transported to the venue by buses. Attendees will gather on the evening of Wednesday June 27th for a 2? day session on the Thursday and Friday (28?29th of June). On June 30th a one?day field trip to the Eastern Bushveld will be organized that will include visiting the famous Dwars River locality and other interesting stops followed by a return to the ice breaker of the Platinum Symposium. Interested attenders are encouraged to join with the above symposium to participate in a special session “Fundamentals in petrology of layered intrusions and related deposits”.
Visits to various sites on the Platreef will be undertaken during the week of symposium and will be included in the cost of the conference. Special student rates will be available with accommodation in the Kolobe Bush Camp, on the Ranch property. There will be a special programme of events for accompany members. Post symposium field trips are being arranged. These include so far but others will be added:
(1) Western Bushveld, geology and mines (leaders are Rais Latypov and Sofia Chistyakova).
(2) Eastern Bushveld (leaders are Marina Yudovskaya, Paul Nex and Judith Kinnaird).
(3) Uitkomst and Barberton komatiite (leader is Alan Wilson).