Dr. June Wicks will visit ESP
16th - 18th March 2017

Dr. June Wicks is an Associate Research Scholar in the Department of Geosciences at Princeton University, working primarily with Professor Thomas Duffy. Her research includes Ultralow-Velocity Zones and Dynamic Compression.
During her visit, Dr. Wicks will present an informal talk on Ultralow shear wave velocity zones at the base of Earth's mantle - insights from mineral physics on Thursday 16th March, 12:00 — 13:00, in 1671-234. That talk will be followed by a MAT-X sponsored Lightning Workshop. Dr. Wicks will also present a Geoscience Department Seminar, entitled Laboratory Simulations of Impacts and Earth to Super-Earth Interiors by Dynamic Compression, on Friday 17th March at 14:15 in the Geoscience Auditorium.