Aarhus Universitets segl

From student to student

Why Geophysics? - In Geophysics you can choose several directions of interest, for example seismic, drilling and other geological fields. In Aarhus the communication between the different fields are good and you get a good background of modelling, which makes the education very relevant for the industry. My recommendation is that students should have an open mind and not focus on only one field of work, because this can limit the opportunities afterwards. 

Why Aarhus? - I wanted to study in one of the Scandinavian countries and compared to the other Scandinavian universities, Aarhus seemed to be the best choice because they are so strong in Geophysics. Furthermore, what is really important for me is that Denmark wants to be CO2 neutral by 2030, and I really want to be part of this development.    

International students at Aarhus University