I work highly interdisciplinary, focussing on health effects of environmental risk factors. I model environmental exposures in time and space, and carry out epidemiological studies, for example handling big data sets in the Danish registers.
I have a special interest for drinking water quality: Why and how much is our water polluted? What are the effects on the environment and on our health? What can we do to secure clean water and healthy aquatic environments for future generations?
I conduct research within environmental epidemiology to identify environmental risk factors for public health.
Methods: (register-based) epidemiology, biostatistics, geographical information systems (GIS), systematic reviews
Software I use and teach others to use include R, python, QGIS.
Head of Course (lectures, small-class teaching, examination, 10 ECTS): Environment and Health, B.Sc. Public Health, Aarhus University
Head of Course (3 ECTS): GIS in Health Sciences, PhD course, Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University
Lecturer and examinator: Public Health, Bachelor Medicine, Aarhus University
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
ISGlobal Barcelona, Spain
National Cancer Institute, USA
Yale University, USA
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
US Geological Survey, USA
Cancer Society, Denmark
I serve as an alternate on the board of the drinking water supplier Løgten-Skødstrup Vandværk
Environmental Epidemiology