GEOSCIENCE SEMINAR - v/Angelo Pio Rossi, Jacobs University, Bremen
Fluid escape features and pathways through Mars' geological history
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Auditoriet, Geoscience
The seminar will cover basic aspects of Mars' Geology, its large-scale outflow features and smaller-scale landforms. Their structure and hints at possible processes will be provided.
Mars has a rich and complex sedimentary record. It is believed to be largely Noachian, but its age is relatively constrained, mostly due to the heavy erosion and modification of the deposits. Layered Light-Toned Deposits (LTDs) are prominent among them, and they crop out in sev-eral discrete locations on Mars. The range of genetic models for these deposits is extremely wide (also including non-sedimentary mechanisms). Regardless their actual origin, there is a very good chance that these deposits have possibly recorded past climatic and environmental conditions. Although clear indications of allogenic signals are present in the sedimentary record, there are evidences for both depositional and structural features suggestive of internal dynamic control. These include: evidence of local sources, structural control on LTDs occurrence and development, synsedimentary deformation and (soft?) sediment expulsion. We interpret, at least partially LTDs in Arabia Terra as the result of groundwater emergence and spring-based deposition, which likely occurred along with other processes, such as climatically controlled variable eolian input.