Aarhus Universitets segl

GEOSCIENCE SEMINAR - Professor Suzanne McEnroe, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Magnetic minerals, microstructures, phase interfaces and magnetic anomalies

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Torsdag 3. marts 2016,  kl. 13:15 - 14:00


Geoscience, auditoriet 1671-137

Professor Suzanne McEnroe,
Dept. Geology and Mineral Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technmology

Magnetic methods are used to map anomalies over many length scales, from the planetary to the microscopic. Rocks have magnetic anomalies that reflect the magnetic minerals, which respond to the changing planetary magnetic field. Anomalies are influenced by the geometry of geological bodies and the magnetic properties of the constitutive rocks. The nature of exsolution and phase interfaces in magnetic minerals result in widely different magnetic properties compared to single phases without microstructures. These minerals commonly referred to as ‘opaque grains’, also contain information on the history and redox state of the rocks, which contain them.