The laboratories are available for researchers from Aarhus University or external researches from other institutions (who have a written collaboration agreement approved by Aarhus University). Additionally, project work is carried out for private companies or public institutions. In addition to standard analyses, also special analyses and experiments are carried out according to agreement with head of the Geoscience laboratories Charlotte Rasmussen, as well as tasks related to sampling or field work.
The facilities are used for teaching of students at Bachelor, Master and PhD level within geology and geophysics. Supervisors are expected to finance laboratory work as much as possible. Analysis are often carried out by lab users themselves, after thorough and mandatory instructions (and supervision) by an experienced laboratory technologist.
From 2024 we are part of GLOSOLAN, the Global Soil Partnership under the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
At Department of Geoscience we have a great variety of instruments and laboratory facilities. Below you will find an overview of smaller and larger instruments that are available at the department.
Larger equipment and facilities (pdf)
Smaller instruments and apparatus (pdf)
Besides the special equipment mentioned above the department also has a wide range of basis laboratory equipment (such as balances, ovens and various furnaces).
Basic laboratory equipment (pdf)
Use of 2-5 degrees cold storage facilities (pdf)
If you just need a quick overview, you will find a simple print friendly version here.
Beside the laboratory equipment the department also disposes of a diverse collection of chemicals. Always make sure that you know the risk and use of personal protection equipment before working with the specific chemical.
Find a list of all the chemicals here.
As an employee you also have the opportunity to receive access to Kiros, which is the system we use via AU to register and manage our chemicals.
As a researcher at the Department of Geoscience, you are of course more than welcome to take advantage of the great opportunities the laboratory provides.
To ensure a safe, healthy and satisfying working environment for all laboratory users, all students, employees, guest etc. must go through a safety introduction before they start working in the laboratory.
As of 2019 all supervisors who have master students working in the laboratories at the Department of Geoscience, must fill out the form Laboratorieaftale specialestuderende with the relevant lab technician. The purpose of this is to make the work flow better and keep in mind to minimize risky situations.
The department has a number of student helpers, whom it is possible to hire for eg. sawing and crushing samples. Please note that student helpers are not allowed to work with the same tasks as qualified laboratory technologists, refer to the department definition of laboratory tasks.
As a student you have many opportunities to work in the laboratories. Both as a part of the teaching activities in the lab and in relation to bachelor and master projects.
Before you attend a laboratory course, you will need to go through a short introduction to the most important rules for working in a laboratory.
Before you are allowed to work in the laboratories on your own, you will have to participate in a safety introduction, consisting of an online course and a personal 1:1 introduction with the head of Geoscience laboratories Charlotte Rasmussen. Read more here.
AU has decided that we need to focus on risk assessments to prevent injuries and accidents. I.e. this means:
How do you perform a risk assessment? When doing lab-work: Ask a laboratory technologist and read more about it here.
All laboratory technologists at the department are trained in (and have experience with) evaluating a process in accordance with the STOP principle.
If the chemical risk assessment shows that it is a hazardous substance or material that a person (employee, student, guest, craftsman or other) may be exposed to, the first step should be to consider how to avoid being exposed to it. It is important to choose measures in the right order so that prevention is as effective as possible. It is called the STOP principle - Substitution, Technical measures, Organizational measures and Personal protective equipment:
Replace hazardous substances and materials with something that is harmless or less dangerous. Always use the least dangerous product and the least dangerous working method.
Technical measures
Be sure to encapsulate the workflow if possible. Use a closed system or otherwise get the workflow encapsulated if possible. If this is not possible and you cannot avoid releasing dust, aerosols or vapors into the air, make sure that there is an efficient process extraction (eg. fume hood).
Organizational measures
Plan and organize the work to avoid or limit exposure to hazardous substances and materials - and ensure that the substances are not dispersed. This can be, for example, by separating or delimiting work areas as well as by providing thorough cleaning and proper hygiene when handling eg. equipment, waste and personal protective equipment. It can also be with regard to which persons can work with a process: Some tasks require that only a person with experience or a special education is allowed to do the work.
Personal protection
If exposure cannot be removed otherwise, suitable personal protective equipment must be used to protect against the dangerous substances and materials. For example, when working with gloves, it is important that they are the right type of gloves, that they fit the person and the process, and that they are used safely and in accordance with the method description and regulations.
Standard analyses are calculated based on the time spent as well as consumables and operating costs. Price levels are adjusted at least once per year. Request the latest price on a specific job from the head of the laboratories (Charlotte Rasmussen), who can also guide you on how to calculate the total price of a specific project.
Internal price: This price range applies to staff employed at Aarhus University.
External price, collaborations: All analyses performed with external partners on a formalised project.
External price, commissioned work: Laboratory work carriedd out as a service for external customers (and services that doesn't belong in the collaborative price model above). For each request a project price must be calculated.
Basic equipment (pdf, EN, edit 10-2023)
Instruments and apparatus (pdf, EN, edit 10-2023)
Larger instruments and facilities (pdf, EN, edit 01-2025)
Quick overview of laboratory facilities - in English (pdf, EN, edit 01-2025)
Use of 2-5 degrees cold storage facilities (pdf)
Laboratorieaftale specialestuderende (pdf)
Chemical list all labs (pdf)
Ongoing experiment - sign (pdf)
Briefing for teachers (pdf)
Laboratory principles (pdf)
Laboratory water at Geoscience (pdf, EN)