A fully packed aft-deck on our research vessel Aurora. Ready for 3D seismic acquisition on a research cruise to the Western Limfjord, May 2017. (Photo: Katrine Juul Andresen)
Deployment of the airgun on an early May morning. Western Limfjord, May 2017. (Photo: Katrine Juul Andresen)
3D seismic equipment (P-cable system) in the water. Western Limfjord, May 2017. (Photo: Katrine Juul Andresen)
Deployment of deflectors for the 3D seismic system. Western Limfjord, May 2017. (Photo: Katrine Juul Andresen)
Demobilization of compressor container and 3D seismic equipment, Western Limfjord, May 2017. (Photo: Katrine Juul Andresen)
The city of Aalborg seen from RV Aurora. Sail-by in relation to research cruise in Western Limfjord, May 2017. (Photo: Katrine Juul Andresen)
Example of multibeam bathymetry data showing an undulating seafloor in the Western Limfjord.