Aarhus University Seal


Our research group works on reconstructing past climate and environmental change over the Cenozoic. We use marine and lake sediment cores as archives of past conditions from the tropics to the poles, but mostly focus on marine records from the North Atlantic and Arctic regions. Our group studies the interactions between the oceans, the atmosphere, the land surface, and the cryosphere, as well as human-environmental interactions, by performing multi-proxy analyses of high-resolution sedimentary deposits. Our analytical techniques range from classical micropaleontology to inorganic and organic geochemistry. We also apply computational approaches, like time series analyses, to decipher patterns and research climate drivers. For more information on our active projects, see below. 

The NE Greenland shelf – a blank spot on the map (GreenShelf)

The NE Greenland shelf is still close to being a blank spot on the world map with respect to its geology and its present and past climate and oceanography and this project aims at mitigating this lack of knowledge. Visit the homepage

Ice-ocean interactions during Heinrich events in the Labrador Sea (IceLab)

The MSCA ‘IceLab – Ice-ocean interactions during Heinrich events in the Labrador Sea’ aims to determine the role of sea ice in past events of ice sheet collapse. Specifically, IceLab will investigate North Atlantic sea-ice dynamics across Heinrich events of the last glacial period, with focus on the Labrador Sea. Visit the homepage

Arctic biodiversity change and its consequences: Assessing, monitoring and predicting the effects of ecosystem tipping cascades on marine ecosystem services and dependent human systems (ECOTIP)

The Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University is Partner in the collaborative project ECOTIP funded by the Horizon2020 programme. ECOTIP will map out past and present Arctic biodiversity and its response to external drivers, and the effects of expanding commercial activities in the Arctic under expected climate change. Visit the homepage

Carbon Lag of Arctic Marginal Seas (CLAMS)

The project Carbon Lag of Arctic Marginal Seas (CLAMS) will improve our estimates of the radiocarbon reservoir age in Arctic waters. Historic mollusc samples from museum collections are dated by AMS 14C and compared to their year of collection. Visit the homepage

Sea-ice variability around Greenland (G-ICE)

This project aims at reconstructing sea ice variability around Greenland during the deglaciation and Holocene. For this purpose, marine sediment cores from the shelf seas around Greenland are being analyzed for foraminifera, diatoms, dinoflagellates, grain size distribution and biomarkers. Visit the homepage

The dynamics of sea ice variability – role of the oceans (IceDynamo)

This Marie-Curie postdoctoral project by Teodora Pados deals with sea ice variability on the northeast Greenland shelf using a variety of methods. Visit the homepage