Aarhus University Seal

Master's thesis defense - Kristiane Kristensen

Master thesis title: “The oceanographic development of the NE Greenland shelf and Fram Strait region since the last glacial period.”

Info about event


Thursday 17 June 2021,  at 15:15 - 17:00

Presentation: “The ocean circulation of the Northeast Greenland shelf and its effect on the Zachariae Istrøm Glacier since the last deglaciation period”

The presentation (45 min) will be held in English. Afterwards there will be an oral exam with a discussion of the master thesis, in Danish.


  • Supervisor/ Examiner:
    Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz and Christof Pearce


  • External examiner:
    Antoon Kuijpers, Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelser (GEUS)