Aarhus University Seal

Geoscience Day

The aim of Geoscience Day is to familiarize ourselves with the broad range of research topics covered at our department by giving everyone the chance to present and discuss their latest news.

Info about event


Friday 20 May 2022,  at 09:00 - 16:00

Geoscience Day is for all staff and students of the Department of Geoscience, and we will spend the day together in and around the auditorium and entrance hall with interesting talks and poster presentations. There will be lunch for all, as well as drinks and snacks in the afternoon accompanied by awards for the best presentations.

As organizers we will make sure that we have broad representation of all research groups, but also encourage input from students and technical & administrative staff. If anyone already has an idea to present something, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

More information including a sign-up link and the program will follow later, but please already mark this date in your calendars, so we will make sure to have as many participants as possible.