Sanei, H, Hagelskjær, O, Petersen, HI
, Rudra, A, Nielsen, SB, Lorant, F & Gelin, F 2024, '
A complex case of thermal maturity assessment in a terrigenous sedimentary system: The Northwestern Black Sea basin',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 286, 104496.
Sanei, H, Rudra, A, Przyswitt, ZMM, Kousted, S, Sindlev, MB
, Zheng, X, Nielsen, SB & Petersen, HI 2024, '
Assessing biochar's permanence: An inertinite benchmark',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 281, 104409.
Chiaramonti, D, Lotti, G, Vaccari, FP
& Sanei, H 2024, '
Assessment of long-lived Carbon permanence in agricultural soil: Unearthing 15 years-old biochar from long-term field experiment in vineyard',
Biomass and Bioenergy, vol. 191, 107484.
Chiaramonti, D, Lehmann, J, Berruti, F, Giudicianni, P
, Sanei, H & Masek, O 2024, '
Biochar is a long-lived form of carbon removal, making evidence-based CDR projects possible',
Biochar, vol. 6, no. 1, 81.
Bos, R, Zheng, W, Lindström, S
, Sanei, H, Waajen, I, Fendley, IM, Mather, TA
, Wang, Y, Rohovec, J, Navrátil, T, Sluijs, A & van de Schootbrugge, B 2024, '
Climate-forced Hg-remobilization associated with fern mutagenesis in the aftermath of the end-Triassic extinction',
Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, 3596.
Liu, A, Luo, Q
, Rudra, A, Schovsbo, NH
, Zheng, X, Zhou, Z & Sanei, H 2024, '
Effects of thermal intrusion on biomarker distributions in the Alum Shale from south-central Sweden',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 295, 104643.
Skursch, O, Tegner, C, Barfod, GH, Andreasen, R & Lesher, CE 2024, '
Granites and Granophyres of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: A review',
Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 250, 104703.
Bian, L, Chappaz, A, Wang, X, Amouroux, D, Schovsbo, NH, Zheng, X
& Sanei, H 2024, '
Improving Mercury Systematics With Molybdenum and Vanadium Enrichments: New Insights From the Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary',
Geophysical Research Letters (Online), vol. 51, no. 8, e2023GL107188.
Liu, A, Zheng, X, Schovsbo, NH, Luo, Q, Zhong, N
& Sanei, H 2024, '
Influence of thermal intrusion on the Alum Shale from south central Sweden',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 290, no. 104560, 104560.
Rudra, A, Wood, JM, Biersteker, V
& Sanei, H 2024, '
Oil migration from internal and external source rocks in an unconventional hybrid petroleum system, Montney Formation, western Canada',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 285, 104473.
Galloway, JM, Parsons, MB, Ardakani, OH, Falck, H, Fewster, RE, Swindles, GT
, Sanei, H, Palmer, MJ, Nasser, NA & Patterson, RT 2024, '
Organic matter is a predominant control on total mercury concentration of near-surface lake sediments across a boreal to low Arctic tundra transect in northern Canada',
Science of the Total Environment, vol. 954, 176466.
Zhou, Z, Luo, Q
, Rudra, A, Petersen, HI, Schovsbo, NH
& Sanei, H 2024, '
Organic petrographic and geochemical insights into organic matter derived from land plants and marine algae in the Lark Formation, Danish North Sea',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 295, 104627.
Petersen, HI, Deskur, H
, Rudra, A, Ørberg, SB, Krause-Jensen, D & Sanei, H 2024, '
Pyrolysis of macroalgae: Insight into product yields and biochar morphology and stability',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 286, 104498.
Holland, B, Alsen, P, Nytoft, HP
, Rudra, A, Sanei, H & Petersen, HI 2024, '
Quality and composition of Lower Cretaceous carbonate source rocks and seepage oils in the Belize Basin, southern Belize, Central America',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 285, 104478.
Petersen, HI, Blinkenberg, KH, Anderskouv, K
, Rudra, A, Zheng, X & Sanei, H 2024, '
Spatial distribution of remaining movable and non-movable oil fractions in a depleted Maastrichtian chalk reservoir, Danish North Sea: Implications for CO2 storage',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 295, 104624.
Zhou, Z, Petersen, HI, Schovsbo, NH
, Rudra, A & Sanei, H 2024, '
Understanding organic matter supply in the Eocene to Miocene Lark Formation, Danish North Sea',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 291, 104575.
Bian, L, Chappaz, A, Schovsbo, NH, Wang, X, Zhao, W
& Sanei, H 2023, '
A 20-million-year reconstruction to decipher the enigmatic Cambrian extinction – Ordovician biodiversification transition',
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 612, 118170.
Galloway, JM, Grasby, SE, Wang, F, Hadlari, T, Dewing, K
, Bodin, S & Sanei, H 2023, '
A mercury and trace element geochemical record across Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b in Arctic Canada',
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 617, 111490.
Bodin, S, Charpentier, M, Ullmann, CV
, Rudra, A & Sanei, H 2023, '
Carbon cycle during the late Aptian–early Albian OAE 1b: A focus on the Kilian–Paquier levels interval',
Global and Planetary Change, vol. 222, 104074.
Petersen, HI, Lassen, L
, Rudra, A, Nguyen, LX, Do, PTM
& Sanei, H 2023, '
Carbon stability and morphotype composition of biochars from feedstocks in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 271, 104233.
Wu, J, Luo, Q, Zhong, N, Goodarzi, F, Suchý, V
, Sanei, H, Skovsted, CB, Li, M, Zhang, Y, Li, D, Wu, J & Song, D 2023, '
Chemical structure and thermal maturation of the vitrinite-like maceral in the Lower Paleozoic shales: Insights from Raman spectroscopy of artificial pyrolysis residues',
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 172, 106024.
Zheng, X, Schwark, L, Stockhausen, M, Luo, Q, Wu, J, Zhong, N, Schovsbo, NH
& Sanei, H 2023, '
Effects of synthetic maturation on phenanthrenes and dibenzothiophenes over a maturity range of 0.6 to 4.7% EASY%Ro',
Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 153, 106285.
Andreasen, N, Jackson, R
, Rudra, A, Nøhr-Hansen, H
, Sanei, H, Bojesen-Koefoed, J
, Seidenkrantz, MS, Pearce, C, Thibault, N & Ribeiro, S 2023, '
From land to sea: provenance, composition, and preservation of organic matter in a marine sediment record from the North-East Greenland shelf spanning the Younger Dryas–Holocene',
Boreas, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 459-475.
Stenshøj, R, Abarghani, A, Badrouchi, N, Yu, Y, Smith, SA
, Rudra, A, Petersen, HI
& Sanei, H 2023, '
Hydrocarbon residue in a Danish chalk reservoir and its effects on CO2 injectivity',
Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 156, 106424.
Liu, A, Sanei, H, Schovsbo, NH, Zheng, X & Bian, L 2023, '
Influence of Thermal Intrusion on Solid Bitumen in the Alum Shale, Central Sweden', Joint 74th ICCP and 39th TSOP Meeting,
17/09/2023 -
Petersen, HI, Al-Masri, WF
, Rudra, A, Mohammadkhani, S
& Sanei, H 2023, '
Movable and non-movable hydrocarbon fractions in an oil-depleted sandstone reservoir considered for CO2 storage, Nini West Field, Danish North Sea',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 280, 104399.
Mulder, J
, Hagen-Peter, GA, Ubide, T
, Andreasen, R, Kooijman, E, Kielman-Schmitt, M, Feng, Y-X, Paul, B, Karlsson, A
, Tegner, C, Lesher, C & Costa, F 2023, '
New Reference Materials, Analytical Procedures and Data Reduction Strategies for Sr Isotope Measurements in Geological Materials by LA-MC-ICP-MS',
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 311-336.
Zheng, XW, Schovsbo, NH
, Bian, LB, Rudra, A & Sanei, H 2023, '
Organic geochemical and petrographic characteristics of the Cambrian-Ordovician organic-rich marine shales in Scandinavia',
Petroleum Science, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 2637-2647.
Sobek, A, Abel, S
, Sanei, H, Bonaglia, S, Li, Z, Horlitz, G
, Rudra, A, Oguri, K & Glud, RN 2023, '
Organic matter degradation causes enrichment of organic pollutants in hadal sediments',
Nature Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, 2012.
Mortensen, HÍG, Andreasen, R, Bodin, S, Sanei, H, Ulrich, T, Richoz, S, Lindström, S, Luguet, A, Tanner, L
& Tegner, C 2023, '
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Detlef, H, Jensen, MM, Andreasen, R, Glasius, M, Seidenkrantz, M-S & Pearce, C 2023, '
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Singh, SP
, Rudra, A, Singh, YR, Dutta, S, Devi, NR, Devi, AB & Trivedi, GK 2023, '
Source and depositional conditions of early Palaeogene coal-bearing sediments, Meghalaya, Eastern India',
Journal of Earth System Science, vol. 132, no. 4, 184.
Bos, R, Lindström, S, van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, H, Hilgen, F, Hollaar, TP, Aalpoel, H, van der Weijst, C
, Sanei, H, Rudra, A, Sluijs, A & van de Schootbrugge, B 2023, '
Triassic-Jurassic vegetation response to carbon cycle perturbations and climate change',
Global and Planetary Change, vol. 228, 104211.
Vickers, ML, Jelby, ME, Śliwińska, KK, Percival, LME, Wang, F
, Sanei, H, Price, GD, Ullmann, CV, Grasby, SE, Reinhardt, L, Mather, TA, Frieling, J, Korte, C, Jerrett, RM, Jones, MT, Midtkandal, I
& Galloway, JM 2023, '
Volcanism and carbon cycle perturbations in the High Arctic during the Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous',
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 613, 111412.
Bian, L, Chappaz, A, Schovsbo, NH
& Sanei, H 2022, '
A new vanadium species in black shales: Updated burial pathways and implications',
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 338, pp. 1-10.
Goodarzi, F, Hosseininejad, S, Pedersen, PK, Gentzis, T
& Sanei, H 2022, '
Characterization of immature oil shales from the Cretaceous Second White Specks Formation in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada',
Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 143, 105774.
Hansen, KE, Giraudeau, J, Limoges, A, Massé, G
, Rudra, A, Wacker, L
, Sanei, H, Pearce, C & Seidenkrantz, MS 2022, '
Characterization of organic matter in marine sediments to estimate age offset of bulk radiocarbon dating',
Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 67, 101242.
Liseroudi, MH, Ardakani, OH, Pedersen, PK
& Sanei, H 2022, '
Fluid flow and water/rock interaction during the Early Triassic evolution of the western Canada sedimentary basin as revealed by carbonate diagenesis',
Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 142, 105765.
Wood, JM, Cesar, J, Ardakani, OH
, Rudra, A & Sanei, H 2022, '
Geochemical evidence for the internal migration of gas condensate in a major unconventional tight petroleum system',
Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, 7931.
Zheng, X, Schovsbo, NH, Luo, Q, Wu, J, Zhong, N, Goodarzi, F
& Sanei, H 2022, '
Graptolite reflectance anomaly',
International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 261, 104072.
Zabel, M, Glud, RN
, Sanei, H, Elvert, M, Pape, T, Chuang, PC, Okuma, E, Geprägs, P & Kölling, M 2022, '
High Carbon Mineralization Rates in Subseafloor Hadal Sediments—Result of Frequent Mass Wasting',
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 23, no. 9, e2022GC010502.
Bian, L, chappaz, A, Schovsbo, N, Nielsen, A
& Sanei, H 2022, '
High mercury enrichments in sediments from the Baltic continent across the late Cambrian: Controls and implications',
Chemical Geology, vol. 599, 120846.
Bian, L, Schovsbo, NH, Chappaz, A
, Rudra, A, Xu, J, Luo, Q
& Sanei, H 2022, '
Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Organic Matter Accumulation of the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in the Sichuan Basin, South China',
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 2519-2529.
Singh, YR
, Rudra, A, Singh, SP, Dutta, S, Devi, MS & Devi, NR 2022, '
Palynological and organic geochemical studies of the middle Eocene Siju Formation of Garo Hills, Meghalaya, India',
Journal of Earth System Science, vol. 131, no. 1, 19.
Franco-Cisterna, B, Glud, A, Bristow, LA
, Rudra, A, Sanei, H, Winding, MHS, Nielsen, TG, Glud, RN & Stief, P 2022, '
Sinking krill carcasses as hotspots of microbial carbon and nitrogen cycling in the Arctic',
Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 9, 1019727.
Hunt, AC, Theis, KJ, Rehkämper, M, Benedix, GK
, Andreasen, R & Schönbächler, M 2022, '
The dissipation of the solar nebula constrained by impacts and core cooling in planetesimals',
Nature Astronomy, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 812-818.