New Ph.D. Students
We are pleased to introduce our two newest PhD students Ole Skursch and Hannah Bobrowski.

Ole Skursch
Skursch received both his bachelor's and master's degrees in Geoscience at Aarhus University. He spent a semester at the University of Oslo as part of an exchange program. Both his bachelor's and my master's theses focused on the transition from the relatively primitive to more evolved rocks in Bushveld igneous complex. Skursch's Ph.D. project will involve studying the formation of relatively evolved rocks in large igneous provinces (Bushveld igneous complex, South Africa, and the North Atlantic magmatic province, East Greenland).
From Ole: "The overall issue of my PhD project is not new to me. Christian Tegner and Charles Lesher will be supervisors to my project. I will use a variety of analytical methods that are now possible with the completion of the institute's new laboratory facilities."
Hannah Bobrowski
Bobrowski completed her first year of undergraduate studies in Kiel (Germany) before moving to Bochum (Germany), where she finished both bachelor's and master's theses. In her Bachelor thesis, Bobrowski worked on partition coefficients of barium between mica and feldspar at high pressures in order to develop a new geothermometer. For her master's studies, Bobrowski worked in experimental petrology to understand the influence of dissolution and growth on the diffusion of major and trace elements in olivine at different temperatures and oxygen fugacities.
From Hannah: "I just started my PhD in Aarhus on the 1st of March, where I will work with Prof. Dr Charles E. Lesher and Prof. Dr. Christian Tegner in the Earth System Petrology Group. In my project, I will investigate the influences of mantle convection, partial melting and melting of the lithosphere on the generation and evolution of flood basalts in the North Atlantic and the High Arctic Large Igneous Provinces."