Aarhus University Seal


ESP contributes to Geoarcheology Publication

The way forward is cooperation where the meeting between the disciplines opens up discussions about what can be done and what you want to achieve.

ESP's Gry Barfod and Charles Lesher recently contributed to the latest Geoviden Geologi og Geografi issue, which focused on geoarcheology. In their article Barfod and Lesher explained that archaeometry includes geochemical dating of archaeological material (especially metal, glass and ceramics), but also chemical determination of the origin and manufacturing techniques of the material or later processes such as re-melting. They described some of the archaeometric methods that have recently been used to investigate archaeological objects in cooperation between AGiR and archaeologists from UrbNet (Center for Urban Net - work evolutions) and Southwestern Jutland Museum (Ribe). Moreover, they highlighted the unparalleled possibilities for archaeometric studies using the techniques described in the article or other geological and geochemical methods. When these methods are combined, questions can be studied from many different angles. The way forward is cooperation where the meeting between the disciplines opens up discussions about what can be done and what you want to achieve.