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Congratulations Niklas!

Niklas Stausberg is the ESP group's first student to undertake and pass the PhD progress report and qualifying exam.

The Progress Report and Qualifying Exam is designed to ensure that the PhD project and study is on the right track. It also helps to train for written and oral presentation of the research project. During the oral exam discussions and validation of plans for the rest of the study period take place and students can obtain feedback and suggestions from internal and external researchers. Having enrolled with an MSc degree, Niklas took the exam within 1½ years of enrolment.

Three weeks prior to the oral exam, Niklas submitted a 30 page progress report, Fe isotope systematics in igneous systems, which included:

  • Short introduction to field of research
  • Aim of project
  • Detailed account of methods, results and conclusions so far
  • Detailed plan for remaining study period

The oral examination (max 2 hours in total) consisted of:

  • 30-45 minutes presentation by the PhD student of key elements from the progress report
  • Discussion of progress report and presentation, including discussion of the wider thematic framework
  • Discussion of plans for completion of project and studies

The examination committee consisted of:

  • Charles Lesher and Christian Tegner, supervisors
  • Søren Munch Kristiansen, internal examiner
  • Craig Lundstrom, external examiner (an expert in a field close to the project). 

The examination committee decided that Niklas passed the exam! Congratulations Niklas!