Aarhus University Seal

GEOSCIENCE SEMINAR - by Dr. Brice R. Rea, University of Aberdeen

Ice, climate, landforms and landscape

Info about event


Friday 14 December 2012,  at 09:45 - 10:30

Landscapes of mid to high latitudes and high altitudes owe much to the action of glaciers and ice sheets. Ice masses are intimately link with climate acting as a modulator of astronomical forcing and creating complex feedbacks between the oceans and atmosphere. On longer timescales the erosive power of ice is coupled with tectonic processes, climate and landscape evolution.  My research touches on many of these aspects and in this talk a range of work that I have undertaken will be highlighted including: processes of glacial erosion, deposition and landform generation; palaeoglacier reconstructions and quantitative determination of palaeo-climate; glacier crevassing and atmospheric circulation. I have undertaken research in areas such as northern Norway, Svalbard, Iceland and Greenland and have utilised experimental as well as empirical data collection techniques.  

Please note the unusual place and time for this seminar!