Aarhus University Seal

Triven Koganti


Assistant Professor, PhD

Primary affiliation

Triven Koganti

Areas of expertise

  • Proximal Soil Sensing
  • Near Surface Geophysics
  • Digital Soil Mapping
  • Pedometrics
  • Precision Agriculture

Contact information

Email address


My experience encompasses a wide variety of proximal and remote sensing methods such as magnetics, resistivity, electromagnetic induction, ground penetrating radar, gamma ray spectroscopy, and unmanned aerial vehicle imagery. I work on a broad range of projects, mainly focused on sustainable agriculture and environmental management.

Teaching activities

 I organize a biennial PhD course on "Electromagnetic Soil Sensors - Theory and Applications" and teach at several Masters and PhD courses on the use of smart technologies for high-resolution soil mapping. I also co-supervise several PhD and Masters students.


Recent collaborations include:

1) SkyTEM and IGIS: Using near surface geophysics for detailed characterization of Danish peatlands. 

2) UCLouvain: Developing a drone GPR for rapid estimation of topsoil moisture and electrical conductivity.

3) USDA/ARS: Assessing the use of drones and cameras for mapping agricultural subsurface drainage systems.

Selected publications

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Selected activities

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