Aarhus Universitets segl

AFLYST - Geoscience seminar - Ph.D. Joanna Levinsen, Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy

Den 25. oktober 2018 bliver der afholdt Geoscience seminar med titlen "Ground deformation monitoring in Denmark based on Sentinel-1 satellite data"

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 25. oktober 2018,  kl. 10:15 - 11:00


Geoscience, 1671-137

The Copernicus Program is the most ambitious Earth observation program to date. It is headed by the EU Commission in collaboration with the European Space Agency. As part of this program, a suite of new satellite missions called the Sentinels is being developed and launched. The purpose of the missions is to monitor the land, oceans and atmosphere.

At the SDFE we are using the radar instrument onboard Sentinel-1 for ground deformation monitoring. This allows for detecting areas undergoing subsidence, e.g. due to subsurface geology or constructions, with a unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution. In this talk, I will introduce the Sentinel-1 mission and present our work towards the establishment of a Sentinel-1-based operational service for a nationwide ground deformation monitoring in Denmark.

 All are welcome to attend, coffee and cake as usual.