Aarhus University Seal

CO2 storage in oil fields can risk blockages

New paper sheds light on challenges with CO2 storage in oil fields

There is a lot of research about storage of CO2 in various places underground. One of the places this can happen is in old oil fields. However, research now shows that it can become problematic, since blockages can occur in the oil fields where CO2 is planned to be stored.

This does not mean that we should reject the project completely, but it is a risk that we must be aware of.

You can read more in the article ”Hydrocarbon residue in a Danish chalk reservoir and its effects on CO2 injectivity” written by i.a. thesis student Rasmus Stenshøj here from the Department of Geoscience and our researchers Arka Rudra and Hamed Sanei.

The article has received a lot of attention and has resulted in a number of articles at: